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Page Curl Photoshop Action

Page Curl Photoshop Action

I have created a small action based on the Page Curl Tutorial. The action simply creates a page curl in any of the four corners of an image. I have added a drop shadow style to the action, however the values I used are for very large images so at the end of the action you may need to adjust the drop shadow style.

This action was created with Photoshop CS2 but should also be compatible with Photoshop CS as well but not with previous Photoshop versions.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 11064

Shadow Action Photoshop

Shadow Action Photoshop

In this post, I’ll be providing four ‘Actions’ for Photoshop that create a couple of those great looking drop shadows we see across the web now-a-days. Along with the download, I’ll provide an image displaying how each shadow looks, as well as instructions for installing and using them. The ‘Actions’ pack includes three warped shadows intended for box corners, and one shadow acting as a mid lift.

If you like these actions and decide to use them, I would note that I did not alter the shadow’s opacity. This is something that I normally do while working, but it always depends on the background you are working on and what effect you are going for, so I left it at 100% to be modified as per situation.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 36317