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Reflection Photoshop Free Action

Reflection Photoshop Free Action

Try our free reflection Photoshop action and use it for any text, shape, raster, photos and so on. It works ok for multiple layers gathered in a smart object. Create realistic reflection in Photoshop with our free 1-click action.

All the layers and layer styles remain intact so you can further customize the result.

rating: submitted by:John views: 14150

Tear Cut Edge Photoshop Action

Tear Cut Edge Photoshop Action

Tear-It!!, as the name suggests, will let you tear any selection as if you tear paper! You can achieve these effects with any picture you like, text or shapes. The download includes a Photoshop ATN file with five actions, also a PDF help file with screenshots on how to use it. Achieving the effects is as simple as selecting your layer and running the action! The effects included are (see preview image and screenshots for examples): Subtract Selection (tear); Cut-out; Outline; Depth; Edges Only This action is perfect for creating beautiful typography and text effects like name design.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 6857

Flip and Fold Mock-up Mobile Device Photoshop Action

Flip and Fold Mock-up Mobile Device Photoshop Action

Download this Flip and Fold Mock-up Mobile Device Photoshop extension that includes 78 actions. Works with any dimensions of mobile device. Works in Photoshop CS5 and CS6.

Works with any screen size of mobile device. Works for both vertical and horizontal mobile screen. Create your own flip and fold paper inside a mobile screen! Photoshop plugin for flip and fold.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 7485