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Elegant Metal Chrome Text amp Style

Elegant Metal Chrome Text amp Style

  • Title: Elegant Metal Chrome Text amp Style

    Category: Other

    filetype: ATN

    file size:

    author: artlover

  • Description:

    6 Layer Styles & Elegant Metal – Chrome Text effects created by using them in combination. For example write a name on heart using a heart image and a text effect like one of these metal chrome text effect. The file was originally built using Adobe Photoshop.

    There is also anASLfile included that has all 6 styles ready to be loaded into Photoshop. INCLUDES: .asl file with 6 styles. .psd file with editable text (1400px * 2900px) with the 6 styles layered to create the metal/chrome text effects depicted. Fonts Lobster: If you like metal chrome effects check out the metal chrome layer styles for Photoshop in this huge collection of over 500 Photoshop text styles.

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