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Lensbaby Action

Lensbaby Action

  • Title: Lensbaby Action

    Category: Photo Effects

    filetype: ATN

    file size: 4.7 kb

    author: tammy-angela

  • Description:

    This action will help you to create the LENSBABY lens look. I have created this action to be very simple. You can make your own adjustments ect.

    ..or maybe a simple vignette??? The possiblities are endless in the land of actions...

    Lensbabys are a line of lens created by Lensbaby. They are actually lens with bellows and prduce very special image effects. Only a small section of the image is in focus.

    The rest of the image is all blurry. They are actually very neat lenses....

    Why not try adding a Lomo effect after running this action.

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