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Camouflage Texture Action Generator

Camouflage Texture Action Generator

  • Title: Camouflage Texture Action Generator

    Category: Special Effects And Textures

    filetype: ATN

    file size: 3.5 kb

    author: Arctic-Hunter

  • Description:

    If you're afraid of actions because you haven't used them before, don't be! Just double click on the Action and it should load it into Photoshop right away! one more click and the magic unfolds. The action generates a realistic camouflage texture from scratch that yu can use in your 2D or 3D projects. Requires Photoshop (CS4, CS3, CS2 should work, not sure about older versions) it's automated! it's like magic! you don't even have to open a new document! It's also a good opportunity to get familiar with Photoshop Actions.

    They're super useful.

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Tags: generator

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