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Stars Glitter Sequins Photoshop Action Generator

Stars Glitter Sequins Photoshop Action Generator

  • Title: Stars Glitter Sequins Photoshop Action Generator

    Category: Special Effects And Textures

    filetype: ATN

    file size:

    author: psddude

  • Description:

    This action pack will allow you to create glitter sequin shapes out of any text, vector or raster shape. Stars shapes are made up of multiple triangle shapes. You can create a trail of glitter star sequins following the outline of your object, so this will be very useful for creating for example scrap books, photo frames and borders, interesting text effects, Christmas cards, party flyers and so on.

    Not sure if you know this, but the star symbol has many-many meaning. Make sure you give them a look before using them in your designs in things like children illustrations, company logos or even adding your name on the Hollywood walk of fame with this Hollywood star template.

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