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Letterpress Text Effect Photoshop Action

Letterpress Text Effect Photoshop Action

  • Title: Letterpress Text Effect Photoshop Action

    Category: Text Effects

    filetype: ATN

    file size: 4.4 kb

    author: sa-cool

  • Description:

    This free ATN file contains 5 Photoshop actions for creating letterpress effect or carving effect, depending on what background surface you choose. The press effect looks good on any type of font or background with some small adjustments. How to use this text Photoshop action: install the action in Photoshop and simply play the action.

    No need to open a new canvas, the action does that for you. After the text action is played you have two layers: the text layer and the background layer all with Photoshop styles intact. So you can change the text, the font and the layer styles.

    This text Photoshop action for letterpress effect or carving effect works great on shapes or rasterized objects, if you copy the layer styles and paste to your shape. Download this great text action for free and create your own letterpress effect in Photoshop. For example, writing a name on heart is one of the simplest designs you can do using a heart image and a text effect like this letterpress effect.

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Tags: letterpress text style engrave

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